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In the Declaration of Independence the Founding Authors prefaced The Declaration by noting first that all people have an inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We believe that all rights are based on the first and foremost right, the right to life and that without Life all other rights have no proper foundation. We believe, as local citizens, that the County of St. Lucie must set an example for our community and the State of Florida of which we are a part, to defend uphold and enshrine through law that the right to life be protected from conception until birth and beyond. We – SLC Sanctuary for Life, will work with all governmental bodies at every level to accomplish this as quickly as possible in our community of St. Lucie County and throughout Florida working with Personhood Florida and other organizations anxious to promote the right to life in our State and Nation – the first right before all others.

We believe that since the Supreme Court returned to the states the right to control abortion it
also returned it to local governments to do so as well.

We wish to see the County of St. Lucie take a leadership initiative to pass local legislation to
declare St. Lucie County a Sanctuary for Life.
Doing so will prohibit abortions in all of St. Lucie County.
Once this is done, we can approach the City of Port Saint Lucie and Fort Pierce to declare
themselves as Sanctuary City’s for Life and prohibit abortions within their city limits.

By doing this we will set an example for all counties in Florida to consider doing the same. If more counties and/or cities join us we believe our State Legislators will join us and declare the State of Florida a Sanctuary State for Life, recognizing the Personhood of each individual – born and unborn and end abortion in our state including so called pharmaceutical abortions or
medical abortions. Lea County in New Mexico has already done this. They have set an example. We can and should do no less. We are currently soliciting support from County Commissioners to do this and are optimistic
that this can be done. But we could use -and would appreciate - additional help.

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