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Refer this Website and Organization to Friends and Family

If you would like, you can copy the message below and paste it into
an email message to send to those pro-lifers in your address book
and those you think might like to learn about us. 

Dear _______ ,
I recently learned about a terrific pro-life organization right here in St. Lucie County. They want to make St. Lucie County a Sanctuary for the unborn! St. Lucie County would prohibit every kind of abortion from the moment of conception. An unborn baby would always be safe in St. Lucie County. They believe that St. Lucie County can serve as an example for the rest of Florida and even across the nation, and
 they will do it through education and persuasion. You should visit their website to see what they are doing.

Yours for Life,
Your name

BTW you can also send this message to people outside our county. We already
have inquiries on our approach from 2 of our neighboring counties!
And by all means promote us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social
media. And visit our
Facebook page! 

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